Leadership resides in every person. It is not reserved for executives, managers, or job titles. Leadership development is not an event, it’s a process. And, it’s not luck because leadership can be developed.

Leadership Development Program (LDP)
Lisk Associates Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a group curriculum based on the needs of your people, providing your emerging leaders with tools to “go-do”. Each session is conducted monthly and lasts 3 hours with go-between assignments between sessions. Below is a sample agenda of our LDP curriculum. Each leader will receive 5 personal talent reports: Style Insights, Driving Forces, Talent Insights Combo, Competencies, and Emotional Intelligence. Each leader will also receive online access to The Complete Leader, LEARN EQ, and five books to complement the sessions.

- Session #1: Getting Know Each Other & Quick Start 1-Pagers
- Session #2: RealTime Coaching Part 1
- Session #3: What are you Doing Part 1
- Session #4: RealTime Coaching Part 2
- Session #5: EQ
- Session #6: What are you Doing Part 2
- Session #7: Leadership Hacks
- Session #8: Is What you’re Doing working?
- Session #9: Loose Ends
- Session #10: Graduation
Leadership 360
Lisk Associates’ Leadership 360 allows leaders to focus on the right things right now in order to be a better leader for themselves, their team, and their organization.
Here is an example of a leadership 360 made up of 51 quick-rank questions and two open-ended questions. The specific areas measured are:
- Performance Management
- Innovation
- Teamwork
- Integrity
- Conflict Management
- Coaching
- Interpersonal Skills
- Influencing Others
- Self Management
- Personal Accountability
- Goal Achievement
The two open-ended questions are:
#1. In your opinion, what is this person’s single greatest leadership strength?
#2. In your opinion, what is this person’s leadership most important area for improvement?
360 Feedback & De-brief: Once all surveys are completed, the ratee receives 5 pieces of output and a 90-minute de-brief of the results with Ryan Lisk. The output consists of: Favorable/Unfavorable report, Frequency Distribution report, Mean report, Written Feedback report, and Personal Talent Report.